Reflections on a cancelled racing season

The Summer of COVID-19. Racing season is just cancelled. Athletes are left with feelings of loss and anger. As competitive athletes, we are disciplined and focused- we watch what we eat and drink, we try to get enough sleep, we wake up at the crack of dawn to get in that workout before heading to the office (or home office, these days), we schedule social events around training and racing. In the summer of COVID-19 our training focus can wane due to lack of races and more important things going on in the world (like people getting sick and dying). Some of us are left with the question: “What am I supposed to do now?”

At Stelleri Performance Training, we get it and we feel it too. However, we challenge you to remember that in the grand scheme of things, your health, the health of your family and friends and the human race as a whole, is more important than the race that was cancelled. Let’s channel that discipline and focus into working on your training weaknesses, helping others and being a kind and compassionate human being. If we all work together, we will win this race.


Intensity in training: the long and short of it